Kingergarten Registration

Requirements for Kindergarten Registration are:

  • For the 2014-2015 school year, child must be five years of age on or before September 1

  • You must have a birth certificate or proof of birth

  • You must have written immunization record from the Health Department or Doctor's office showing completion of the required immunizations for school entry (Click here for more information)

  • California Law requires that your child have an oral health assessment (dental check-up) by May 31st of his/her first year in public school

  • California Law also requires that every child have a health examination before entering first grade

The Shasta County Public Health's East Regional Office Immunization Clinic is located at 37092 Main Street. The clinic is open on the first Thursday of every month from 1:00 to 4:30 PM. No appointment is needed. For more information please call 335-6700. Local Health Clinics also provide immunizations for children through the Children's Health Disability Program (Chdp) for those who qualify. Please feel free to call the school any time during office hours if you have any questions.