Human Resources

Personnel and Employment

Fall River Joint Unified School District

June Pellegrino, Human Resources
E-mail June PellegrinoPersonnel Department

20375 Tamarack Ave.

Burney, CA 96013

Phone 530-335-4556 Fax 530-335-3115

Employment Opportunities


Insurance procedures, choices and rates:

Under SISC our employees are offered four (4) plan options:

  • Plan E

  • Plan G

  • Plan A-HSA

  • Plan B-HSA

To see a brief summary of these plans click on the Benefits Rates Summary

If you have questions about your benefits, please call the Customer Service number on your ID card or visit them online at can save you time with easy access to:

  • Personal health plan benefits and copayment information

  • Possible treatment options for your particular medical condition

  • Tools to locate a doctor or hospital

To get started:

  1. To to

  2. Enter your subscriber ID number

Mandated Training

Annual Notification
Mandated Topics

  • Child Abuse Reporting

  • Injury and Illness Program (IIPP)

  • Hazardous Materials

  • Sexual Harassment

  • Drug Free Workplace

  • Use of Copyrighted Materials

  • Megan's Law

  • Emergency Procedures – Earthquake and Disasters

  • Suspended/Expelled Students (Teachers)

  • Supplementary Instructional Materials

  • Uniform Complaint Procedures

  • School Safety Plan

Child Abuse Reporting
All employees of schools are required by law to report child abuse. Any person who fails to report an instance of suspected child abuse is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by confinement in the county jail for a term not to exceed six months, or by a fine of not more than $1 ,000, or both. "Child Abuse" is any act which impairs a child's physical or emotional health and development. It includes the sexual assault of a child, willful cruelty, unjustifiable punishment or corporal punishment resulting in trauma, medical neglect, the infliction of mental suffering and neglect.

Injury and Illness Program (Iipp)
The objective of our safety program is to prevent accidental injuries. We are committed to provide safe and healthy working conditions for all employees and our clients. if you observe unsafe conditions at your work site, report these potential hazards to your immediate supervisor. A reporting form is provided at your site. Each site is required to perform monthly premise self-inspections and document the results. Be sure that any unsafe conditions are brought to the attention of the person(s) responsible for conducting the inspections and are noted on the inspection form.

Hazardous Materials
Your work site may contain materials that are hazardous to you. Make yourself familiar with the material safety data sheets (MSDS). Call your supervisor if you cannot locate this information. If you encounter a container without a label, it is your responsibility to notify your supervisor. Labels and MSDS's are your guides to working safely with hazardous materials.

Bloodborne Pathogens
Employees who are exposed to blood or other potentially infectious materials during the performance of their duties, or who regularly respond to accidents where they come into contact with bodily fluids, must complete a comprehensive training program. Our Exposure Control Plan (R 4119.43, 4219.43, and 4319.43) outlines the universal precautions that each of us needs to know and practice.

Smoking Policy
The Fall River Joint Unified School District has designated all school property and vehicles tobacco free (P and R 3513.3). This policy supports our instructional programs designed to discourage students from using tobacco products.

Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment of any type is forbidden by law including: any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature made by someone from or in the work or educational setting. There are two types of sexual harassment: 1) Quid pro quo occurs when submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for making employment decisions. 2) Hostile environment sexual harassment involves unwelcome sexual conduct that interferes with work or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. You may contact your immediate supervisor or Personnel Office if you believe you have been sexually harassed. You may also contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Department of Fair Employment and Housing or the local police or sheriff’s department. As an employee, you are encouraged to review your own behavior and comments to assure that your conduct cannot be considered harassing. (Policy 4119.11)

Drug Free Workplace
FRJUSD promotes a safe and healthy environment that encourages and supports students and staff in their efforts to lead productive lives. It is our policy to maintain a drug-free workplace by prohibiting the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance by an employee. (Policy 4020)

Use of Copyrighted Materials
All employees of the FRJUSD are required to adhere to the provisions of the federal copyright laws that can include printed materials; sheet and recorded music; audiovisual works; computer software; and off-air videocassette recordings. Educational users are not exempt from these laws.

Megan's Law
Any person who copies, distributes, discloses, or receives sex offender record information, except as authorized by law, is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed six months or by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1 ,000), or both.

Emergency Procedures-earthquake and Disasters
Requires that school districts establish earthquake and disaster emergency procedures for each school building and train their employees on these earthquake and disaster procedures. (Policy and Regulation 3516)

Use of Supplementary Instructional Materials
When selecting supplementary materials for classroom use, teachers should carefully review them and provide appropriate introductory and follow-up activities. (P 6161.11)

Notification of Suspended/expelled Students
California Ed Code section 49079 requires that teachers be notified of any student who has engaged in, or is reasonably suspected to have engaged in, any of the acts described in any of the subdivision, except subdivision (h), of section 48900 or in section 48900.2, 48900.3, 48900.4, or 48900.7 within the last three-year period.
Pursuant to this requirement a list of students who have been cited for violating the above referenced Ed Code sections during the past three (3) school years will be provided by the district to review. It is imperative that this information be kept absolutely confidential.