Economic Impact Aid (EIA)

The Economic Impact Aid (EIA) program is a state categorical program for kindergarten through grade twelve to support:

  1. Additional programs and services for English learners, limited English proficient (LEP) and,

  2. State Compensatory Education (SCE) services for educationally disadvantaged students as determined by the local educational agency (LEA).

Economic Impact Aid/Limited English Proficient (EIA/LEP)
To support programs and activities to assist English learners achieve proficiency in the English language as rapidly as practicable and to support programs and activities to improve the academic achievement of English learners.

Economic Impact Aid/State Compensatory Education (EIA/SCE)
A school shall use EIA/SCE funds to support programs and activities designed to assist educationally disadvantaged students achieve state standard proficiency.

For additional information go to CDE

Senate Bill 754 As amended August 6, 2012

SUMMARY : Requires as a condition of the receipt of economic impact aid (EIA) funds, a school district to post in an easily accessible location on its Internet Web site data related to EIA funding for purposes of budget transparency. Specifically, this bill requires posting the amounts of EIA funds: 1)Allocated to the school district in that fiscal year. 2)Used by the school district for administrative costs in that fiscal year. 3)Expended for limited-English-proficient pupils in that fiscal year and the prior fiscal year by the school district and by each school within the district. 4)Expended for state compensatory education in that fiscal year and the prior fiscal year by the school district and by each school within the district. 5)Unexpended and an explanation of why these funds have not been expended.

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