Burney-Fall River Education Foundation

Please consider supporting the Burney-Fall River Education Foundation.  This non-
profit volunteer organization has been providing financial support to the teachers
and students of our school district for the past 30 years, awarding over one
million dollars in requested grants.  These funds are used to enhance the quality
and availability of educational opportunities for our district students. These
include the latest technologies, supplemental textbooks, field trips, and many
other things so our students continue to flourish in our school system and

Twenty years ago, the Hatchet Ridge Wind Farm, Pattern Energy Group gave a
very generous initial donation with yearly donations to the BFREF.  The terms of
this agreement will expire in 2026.  This amazing contribution, in conjunction with
BFREF fundraising efforts (annual dinners and auctions), investments, and local
citizen donations, has kept the foundation in good financial standing.  However,
there is obvious concern for upcoming years.  

To ensure our students continue to flourish, please consider making a direct, tax-
deductible contribution to the following address: 

Burney-Fall River Education Foundation
P.O. Box 625
McArthur, CA  96056-0625
A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Corporation
TID#: 68-0253792

We appreciate your support of the goals of the BFREF.

Mission Statement

The Burney-Fall River Education Foundation is dedicated to enriching the
educational experience of our students.
· Fund New Educational Experiences
· Enrich School Programs
· Sponsor Programs Promoting Excellence in Education

Board of Directors 

Greg Hawkins, President and VP Resource DevelopmentBarbara Sugaya-Jones, VP GrantsJeanne Utterback, VP ScholarshipsArleen Earnest, SecretaryLinda Carpenter, TreasurerKaren Churney, Board MemberDonna Hamilton, Board MemberStefani Jacobson, Board MemberPlease select the link below to download and complete the grant application.